Our Approach to DX

The Group's purpose is to "open up individual potential through rewarding work." People spend a large percentage of their time at work, so we aim to offer each individual a wide range of work-related possibilities and the support they need to make the most of their potential. By providing a solid platform that empowers individuals to work in this way, we also offer companies and organizations a world of new possibilities.

The business integration of BeNext and Yumeshin in 2021 has provided opportunities for us to take on new challenges. We have set ambitious management targets, in our medium-term management plan "BY25," to accelerate growth. To achieve these goals, we are transforming business processes using digital technology.

medium-term management plan "BY25"

Our DX Strategy

Updating existing businesses and creating new value with digital technology

To enhance the Group's strengths, improve customer convenience, and continue to grow sustainably, we are always pursuing reforms designed to improve the efficiency and sophistication of our operations, and also to create new value. The use of digital technology and data is critical to these efforts.

Our medium-term DX measures focus specifically on establishing methods of leveraging data to achieve greater efficiency, sophistication and speed in our operations.

Establishing a structure to implement our DX strategy

With the business integration in April 2021, we established the DX Department (renamed in July 2021), which reports directly to the President, Representative Director and COO. This is the organization responsible for promoting DX to optimize operations across the entire Group.

The DX Department selects key measures for information systems across the Group and sets priorities for information system-related projects.

Note: Reproduced from Information System Management Guidelines

Measures to improve the usage environment for IT systems and digital technology

The DX Department coordinates the budgets for information system departments across the Group and promotes the use of common platforms to support shared business processes, such as attendance management, payroll, billing, and contracts, in order to make the most of the economies of scale that have resulted from the merger.

The department also carries out the development of infrastructure for analyzing data across Group information systems, as well as other data that can be collected easily.

Progress indicators for DX strategy

Achieving our DX strategies will improve the Group's profitability. As such, we will use the targets set in our medium-term management plan, "BY25" (announced August 6, 2021) as indicators to measure the degree to which we have achieved our goals.

Note: Reproduced from medium-term management plan "BY25"